Wednesday, April 13, 2011

All You Need Is Love.

Lennon Wall.

Wien, Austria

My Favorite Moments of Vienna.
And yes, I am aware they are mostly food and drink related.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

First Days, First Post.

It is April 6, 2011. I am sitting in my great apartment in Prague, its a sunny day and we have been lucky with some pretty fantastic weather...Did I mention I'm in Prague?!?!?!

I recently made the decision to leave the familiar behind and come to the Czech Republic with just a few people I already knew, with a program from the school I attend, and leave the rest up to the journey I am about to embark on. 

Its been four days and I couldn't be happier with how they have turned out, and can't even begin to explain how excited I am for the next eight weeks of my life. 

The highlights thus far have been having my breath taken away by the sights of the beautiful buildings and scenery from the top of the old City Hall, or while staring up at the mesmerizing Prague Castle, wondering how building this could be possible now, let alone in the 13th century. Walking around the town on cobblestone has even made the simplest things seem more fun, more far away from home, and given me more of that "I can't believe I am here!' feeling.  Hitting the Chapeau Rouge Bar on a Monday night with most of my fellow peers and having a blast makes me look forward to the many crazy nights and memories to be made!

So here I am, about to travel to Vienna for the weekend, already leaving Prague (tear), with some great stuff under my belt and a ravenous appetite for whats to come. 

My name is Margo Zeve. I am 21 years old. I am a student majoring in Communications at the University of Washington, Seattle. I have great family and friends at home who I miss and love A LOT! I have no idea what I want to do with my life, I only can put myself out there to have great experiences and enjoy life, and I consider myself a blessed person with a lot to appreciate. 

And this experience, though in its infant stages, is going to be one I will never forget, and will always appreciate!